Tuesday, June 19, 2012

It's been a long while! Sorry

Well, it has been a long time since I posted.  Guess I was too busy living to sit and write a post.  So let me update everyone on what is going on.  I started radiation 2 weeks ago.  I have had 12 treatments and I am scheduled to have 28 of them.  I wish I could say that I am cruising right through this treatment but in fact it is zapping my energy.....a lot.  My stomach has also begun to be sore from the treatment and can be very uncomfortable at times.  With that said Tylenol has become my friend.  How did I end up on radiation you might ask.... well I had been on chemo for over a year.  My tumor markers had dropped to the double digits and then started slowly climbing up.  They never got out of the double digits while we were checking but the doctor decided that it would be a good time to get another MRI.  That was done followed by a PET scan.  The PET scan scared me a little because I was a little afraid something new would show up but nothing did.  Praise the LORD!!!!  Only my little pancreas still seems to be the problem.  Dr. Anderson had mentioned several times that radiation might be a possibility so off we go on this treatment.  I am still praying for healing, praying that God will lengthen my days if healing doesn't occur and you know what .... that last prayer, He is answering.  I have already known of several people with this dreaded type of cancer that have gone on to meet Jesus.  That is not a bad thing but I still have things that I want to attend to here on earth.  The biggest thing is being with my family.  Maggie will be 13 in November and I definitely wanna be here to see that.  

And while we are on Maggie, my baby girl has been in the mountains on a mission trip for a week.  She comes home tomorrow.  I can't wait.  I have missed her and I know by her phone calls home that she has missed being here.  I know that she has had fun and has been blessed.  YAY FOR MAGGIE AND YAY FOR GOD!!!

Well, that is all I have for tonight.  Please keep praying for me!  The beam of radiation has to go through other tissues/organs to get to my pancreas and thus can damage/harm them.  This is where my pain is coming from I think.  Pray that minimal damage will be done.  That the cancer will take a DIRECT hit and will be eradicated.  Pray for strength for me and minimal side effects.  I am still taking chemo just an oral version everyday.  So far my appetite is o.k. but I am losing weight again.  Who knows I may be to my high school weight before long.  WOW!!!  This is definitely not the way to lose weight.  Part of me doesn't want to lose it, I want to hang on to it because I don't know what the future will bring and if I will lose my appetite in the future.  At least with all the extra weight I had .... I had some to lose but I can stop any time now.  I still have a hard time looking at my clothes and knowing that they will fit me.  they look so small now.  What a problem huh???

I do have a praise I would like to share.  The young boy at our church that lost his leg to cancer has received his new leg.  Our church and community rallied together to raise almost 70000 dollars to buy it for him.  We are having a special service on July 1, 2012 to celebrate and give God the praise for the Great Things He Has Done!  God is so good.  Charles is still undergoing some treatment to eliminate spots in his lungs.  Continue to pray for him. 

God is Good, All The Time!!!  I know this to be perfectly true!

Keep Praying and Keep Looking Up!!!
