Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I was gonna write this Sunday night or Monday but did not get to it.  I have been invited to join a prayer team at my church that will pray during certain services each month.  So far I have done this twice and both times it was a blessing.  This is a new thing that has been started and there is a group of people that are meeting in the prayer room for each service and praying for the service while the service is going on.  We pray for musicians, singers, choir, pastor, the sermon, the people attending and that God's will will be accomplished during each and every service.  We pray for strength for our pastor, clarity of HIS word and that it touches hearts.  We pray for prayer requests for members in our congregation and for those that are not a part of our church.  We pray for our community and for upcoming events like VBS and mission teams.  It is an honor to meet in that room with one or two  other people and just pray.  Yes we talk a little about prayer requests.  Even mention what we need for prayer for at times.  But we are mostly there to pray and that we do.  It is a blessing and I am so glad I am on that team.  I originally thought. how are we gonna pray that long especially during a Sunday morning service but we did o.k.  Time goes by faster when you lose yourself in prayer.  Last Sunday night we weren't finished when the service was how is that for losing you time in prayer.  I love this opportunity and know that prayer works so what an honor to pray and watch its effects.  YAY GOD.

My second thing about prayer is my personal prayers everyday.  I can honestly say that the top of my prayers start out with thanks then I pray for David, Maggie and my Mom .....that is every time I pray even if it is several times a day.  God is blessing them I know, maybe in unseen ways.  My prayers from there drift off in several directions.  I have been praying for several that have gotten cancer diagnosis's over the past week.  Praying God will bring them comfort and peace and healing.  Also praying for a friend that was injured in a car wreck.  God is a Big God and He is More than Enough to meet all of our needs.

I praise God for what He is doing in my life.  My tumor markers are down, My doctor is positive which is definitely making me positive about my condition.  I have always been one to look at both sides of the picture because I want to know what can happen either way.  I don't believe that is a lack of faith.  My grandma Moore always said use wisdom that God doesn't expect us to walk blindly.  He expects us to prepare our self with information and His Word so that we can face anything.  I have Faith that God can heal me but I also ask His Will to be done and not knowing what His Will might be I prepare myself for life either way knowing God will give me the strength and peace to face whatever it might be.  I love God!  I think through all of this, it is interesting that I have done a spiritual gifts assessment and all 3 times I have done it. my top spiritual gift is FAITH.  YES, I believe My God can do anything and I do Mean ANYTHING.  And I think that is part of this journey that I am on is to share my Faith with everyone reading.  GOD IS IN CONTROL.  ALL THE TIME.  If you don't believe that,,, fall to your knees and ask God to open your eyes to His work.  Its going on all the time.

Almost finished, I am still blown away by the fact that God gave me a dream before all of this started.  I look back to the day I was told I had cancer and then to the minute I remembered my dream on the very same day.  I know that was from God and He brought it to my remembrance in that hospital room to give me peace and the strength and reassurance I would need to face the coming days.  I don't know why He choose me for that dream but He did.  What an awesome thing He did for me!  What an awesome message to plant in my heart and mind.  God loves me and I need only to face Him to get thru this valley although at times it doesn't feel like a valley anymore.  God has lifted me out of the valley.  Yes, my body is physically weaker from the chemo but I think my mind is as clear as it used to be and other than the general weakness I feel NORMAL.  YAY GOD.  And yes I am looking a slight bit different.  A little smaller than I use to be (that's o.k) and my hair is getting very thin in spots (and yes that makes me cry sometimes) but I am here to serve God and that's what I will do.

Can't wait for Vacation Bible School next week.  Love it and the energy that is in the rooms.

Thanks for reading.

Keep Praying and Keep Looking UP!


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