Sunday, July 24, 2011

The urge to pray

Good Morning,
I read the book "Heaven is for Real" yesterday and was struck with the power of prayer once again.  This book is about a little boy who goes to heaven while on the operating table.  He describes heaven, Jesus, God, and the things he saw while there to his parents months after this occurred.  His dad is a minister and compares what his son is telling him with scriptures in the Bible and the descriptions match.  This child was only 3 or 4 at the time so it is very convincing that this could be what heaven may be like.  The first person that greeted this child was Jesus.  And at one point in the book, the child relates that Jesus sent him back because his dad prayed and asked for him back.  The dad also relates a time in the book where he called on his church to pray and they did and there was significant change in his condition the next day. 

I also got an email recently about a missionary that was in a foreign country at a medical clinic.  Every 2 week he would ride his bike thru the jungle to go to a village to pick up medical supplies to bring back to his site.  The journey would take 2 days.  On one such journey he stopped to help someone who had been in a fight as soon as he entered the town.  He picked up his supplies and then got back on his bike.  His trip required him to spend the night in the jungle all alone.  He did this and arrived back safely.  A couple of week later when he was speaking to a group of people the injured person that he had helped was in the crowd and spoke up and said that he and a group had planned to attack him and rob him on one such journey back.  Upon arriving at the location where he was sleeping they saw 26 guards protecting him so they turned away.  This missionary was traveling alone.  When the missionary returned to his home church and told the story, someone from his congregation spoke up and asked the date of this occurrence.  When he related the date to them the man informed the missionary that it was the same date that he had felt the need to call for prayer for the missionary.  He had called people in the church and asked them to meet at the church for prayer.  He asked that everyone that had come to pray to stand.  There were 26 people that had prayed for him that day.  HOW AWESOME IS THAT!  26 people, 26 guards

I am relating this to say that if you feel the urge to pray for someone, please do.  Pray right at the moment that you get the urge.  Don't wait till later, pray then.  It doesn't have to be a long prayer but if you feel it in your heart .... say a prayer.  Sometimes people cross my mind and I pray for them right then.  Being on facebook some times leads to urges to pray.  I get hurt (not personally) by things that are posted when I see the hurt others are going thru.  The life circumstances that come our way that can be made better by prayer.  You don't even have to tell them you prayed for them.  You know and God Hears and that is all that is needed.  Like I said this hit me last night again after I read that book.  And then this morning someone posted something on facebook that made me speak a prayer for this person and their family.  There is a world that is hurting and that needs someone to pray for them.  So PRAY!  Nothing fancy .....just simple requests to God to help someone else in need. 

With all that said and knowing the power of can continue to pray for me especially if you feel that urge in the middle of the day or night.  God is working and He works in response to prayer.  You have not because you ask not.  I am asking!  All that I am is a result of His Great Love For ME!  Love You God!

Love you All

Keep PRAYING and Keep Looking UP!


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