Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Vacation Bible School

It''s been a busy couple of days and that's a good thing.  It is Bible School time at my church and I happen to love Bible school.  There is something exciting about it.  All the energy that is displayed in those rooms with all those kids is amazing.  Our Bible school started on Sunday night and after having spent almost all day at church getting ready for that night I was tired.  I couldn't decide if it made me feel younger being around all those kids and that energy or if it made me feel older cause by 9pm that night this chick was tired.  Oh well, whatever the case it was Fun and last night was too.  I am teaching the Bible lesson to the Kindergarten thru 2nd grade group and what a great group they are.  It has been fun the to see their faces and to even hear their comments about God, Jesus and the stories that I am telling them from the Old Testament.  I think my favorite part last night had nothing at all to do with the lesson but was when one of the little girls wanted to perform a song in the middle of the lesson.  She proceeded to sing a song that she was making up.  What a wonderful imagination.  God is ready for me....was the song and I am sure if I asked her to sing it tonight that it would not be the same song.  You can't help but smile when something like that happens.  At least the song was about God so you have to know He has a place in her heart and her mind.  What a Great thing.

I have been feeling good the last couple of days.  No nausea noted just still weaker than I used to be but I am determined that if I keep moving it will not get the best of me.  I like the off weeks of chemo.  I can get more things done and feel like getting out and about more which is good.  The down side of this all is that it is so HOT outside that I definitely don't want to go outside to do things.  We did venture out to go to the movies yesterday.  We saw Mr. Popper's Penguins....that is a cute movie.  Glad we went to see it.  We only have one more week with Olga our child from Belarus.  Time has flown by and I am sure this week will as well. 

That's all for now.  Gotta get ready for VBS.  Keep the prayers going up.  God is Still Working!!!!

I do have a special request.  There are 6 people including me at my church with active cancers in their bodies.  We all have a different type but I know God is capable of healing any type of cancer.  Please remember them in prayer.  One is a 16 year old that possible has cancer in his bones and his lungs.  I know how my diagnosis rocked my world and I just can't imagine what this young man is going thru.  My heart goes out to him and his family and I have been in prayer for him last night and today.  He was to go to Chapel Hill today to have his portacath placed, have more tests done, and to start chemo.  Please pray strength, peace, no nausea, and rest for him and his family.  I pray that God wraps his arms around each and everyone of the people diagnosed with Cancer.  I know that He has me in His arms and has not let me go and I am thankful for that.  It reminds me of a bible school song from a couple of years ago.  "Oh No, you never let go....thru the rain and thru the fire, Oh no you never let go.......  No you never let go of me. 

Love you GOD!!!



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