Sunday, March 27, 2011

Prayer Request - for me

It's Sunday morning and I am missing Church.  I don't like to miss church.  I would rather be there every time the doors opened.  My body however is not agreeing with my spirit this morning.  You know I don't know how God works.  I know what He can do and I pray for him to do it.  This morning I was asking for a touch so that I could go.  Oh Well!  Here I sit.  Hence my prayer request.  Nope this is not a request that I can get to church this morning but it is a request to ask everyone to pray that I can focus on HIS WORD.  I have always loved to read the Bible.  I love doing Bible studies, discipleship studies, and just simply reading His word.  I have to admit that I have lost my Focus when it comes to this.  It is like I open it up to read and I can't concentrate.  This really bothers me.  I know that God teaches us thru His Word, he encourages, he motivates, he changes our lives and our perceptions about life by His Word.  I feel like I am missing something because I can't get into it right now!!!  That's not Cool!!!  I pray daily but I really wanna regain my focus to study his word.  So that is my request..............Pray that I will dive in to His Word and that I can focus once again.  I really need it especially right now!!!  PRAY PRAY PRAY!!!


  1. Praying for you dear and we prayed for you at church as well during our service this morning! We love you!!

  2. Tammy, Sorry you were not able to go to church today. Tammy-your faith in the Lord is very inspiring. Thank you so much for sharing it . I have shared your journey thus far with my church family and have asked them to pray for you and your family. I also have encouraged them to read about your journey. I can understand why you can not concentrate on God's word at this time. You probably having 1 million thoughts going through your head. God understands.But know that I will continue to pray for you and your family and your daily needs from God. Tammy you are truly an inspiration.With my love-your friend-Susan Benson
