Friday, March 25, 2011

A Prayer

So here is a prayer.  I have for a long time believe in fact I know that God doesn't care how we speak to him just simply that we speak to him.  It can be spoken, it can be thought, on our heart or even written.  I have for several years felt the need to journal but have never been consistent with it.  On multiple ocasions, I have however written out prayers as a way to pour out my heart to God.  I encourage everyone to do the same.  I remember very plainly taking a Beth Moore discipleship study and at the beginning of the study we were to write out a prayer and not look at it again until the last week of the 10 week study.  I did this and was totally amazed as to what happened.  I ended up sharing my prayer with my husband (don't know if he remembers this or not) and then I shared it with a dear friend because part of my prayer was for her.  I remember clearly opening it up and seeing what I had written and knowing without a doubt that God had been there thru it all and had been working the whole time.  What a privilege to see it in action and to be able to share that testimony with those I had prayed for.  They were actually able to see the written words and know I prayed for them and even they admitted God had intervened.  HOW GREAT IS GOD!  So with all that said, I am gonna write a prayer tonight.  It is something God placed on my heart this morning.  Don't know where it will lead but it you wanna read it ....continue on.  I am opening it up to all of you!  Not even that we will go back in 10 weeks (or even longer and look at it) but just because it is things that are on my heart that I have spoken to God and who knows there may even be other things that pop up that have not been spoken.  SO HANG ON!!!  KEEP READING!  (If you want...I'm open - God's telling me to be)

Dear God,
You know I love you!!!!  You are my King, my Savior, My Lord, My Deliverer, My Strength, Power, High Tower, Fortress, Healer, Father, Creator of all Things.  You know all things!  I praise you with all my heart and soul.  I can not even begin to imagine you not being in my life.  I do not deserve your love but you pour it on me anyway.  God I know you will continue to stay beside me in wherever my path may lead.  No, I don't understand all that has come my way but I do know that you are in Control and I am leaving all of this in your hands.  God Bless my family and keep them in your hands.  Wrap your arms around them and squeeze them hard when they need it.  Let them know that you are there!  God bless my friends and keep them in your light.  Help them to face each day and to see you for who you are.  I guess Dear God thru all of this I truly want others to See That you ARE REAL.  That you are Alive and That You are Working!  God Bless this blog and those that read it.  Help it to open hearts and minds to YOU!  God I don't want to do anything outside of your will!  I only want to do what you would have me to do!  Keep me in you will.  Keep me fulfilling your purpose in my life.  God, I am willing....Use ME!!! 
Love You....Your Daughter!!!

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