Tuesday, March 29, 2011

God's provisions - over and over again!!!

#1  This Blog is more about God than me in case you haven't figured that out.  And that is the way he intends for it to be.  I pretty much went to chemo with no FEAR - that was God.  Upon checking my emails I received some very powerful ones from friends that love God as much as I do.  God is very actively working in their lives too.  It is very empowering and encouraging to know that just as He is taking care of me, others are having Him take care of them.  And for them to share so clearly what He is doing is a blessing all by itself.  We all have different lives and God is leading us all if we will listen and obey.  Sometimes He is even leading groups of people in the same direction.  WOW!  If I learned anything from doing the Experiencing God study by Henry Blackaby, it is that God is Always Working, We should be looking to see where He is working and then join in.  And it others are sensing the same call at the same time.  It is definitely GOD!  WOW!  And as the second friend responded.  We serve a faithful and consistent God.  True to His Character every time.  No we are not all alike.  We do not face the same Lions/Giants but our God is consistent in that if we are willing He is there to help up face them.    AWESOME AND POWERFUL STUFF THERE!!!!

#2.  My personal word today is below:  From the devotional book "Jesus Calling"  for today's date:  (Read this devotional as if Jesus is speaking directly to YOU!)

Stop trying to work with things out before their times have come. Accept the limitations of living one day at a time. When something comes to your attention, ask me whether or not it is part of today's agenda. If it isn't, release it into My care and go on about today's duties. When you follow this practice, there will be a beautiful simplicity about your life: a time for everything and everything in its time.

A life lived close to Me is not complicated or cluttered. When your focus is on my presence, many things that once troubled you lose their power over you. Though the world around you is messy and confusing, remember that I have overcome the world. I have told you these things so that in Me you may have Peace. John 16:33 I have told you these thing so that you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I HAVE OVERCOME The WORLD!!!

I read this as I was preparing for chemo, how's that for timing.  Can I get an amen from the chemo chair????

3.  The very last thing I have to say is in regards to my Sunday post for prayer that I could focus on His word.  To let you in a quirk of mine.  I love Bible Study!  It is nothing for me to do several at a time.  I am in Bible study fellowship that is working thru the book of Isaiah this year (Awesome).  At times I sign up for discipleship studies at our church that coincide with BSF.  (both of these require homework for at least 5 to 6 nights per week).  Then there is my daily Bible reading, studying for Sunday school and whatever else is calling me to read it.  : )  Maybe that is more of an obsession.  Yes, I am obssessed with God and His Word.  Since all of this has happened to me. I have screeched to a STOP.  I can't focus for long periods at a time.  This greatly upsets me.  But I have had 3 different sisters in Christ that have confirmed to me that God wants me to know that it is o.k.  He will Feed me and I should just rest on him and let him minister to me.  He will lead me into what I should read and and I shouldn't be stressing that I am not reading as much.  This brings tears to my eyes.  So Rest I shall.....Just as I picked up my devotional that was short and so needed He will continue to minister to me thru His word by different sources if I feel I can't focus enough to read it my self.  That is already evidenced by the email mentioned above.  By texts by several of my sisters.  By words sent via a niece from my brother and can I say that two different people today sent Psalm 62 to me today to tell me that it was directly for me.  What can I say????  Go God!  Can I also tell you that one of my messengers today came and gave me this message directly in person.  And her first words to me were.  I have had this on my heart and I know God has something He wants me to tell you.  All she had to say was "God wants me to tell you......"   and the tears started falling.  I knew the minute she said it that it was a message from God.  Yes my Spirit LEAPED!!!!    Love you GOD....I TRULY DO. 

I sincerely hope that God is working in you lives as you journey day by day.  You may not be facing a Giant right now or maybe you are but either way.  Dig into His Word.  Pray YOUR HEART OUT!  Acknowledge He Is God!  Grab onto that Robe and Don't let Go!!!!  He will NEVER EVER LET YOU DOWN.  If I can shout it in the midst of my Storm surely you Can Too.  Let's ROAR in unison ALL THE WAY TO HEAVEN.    HOLY, HOLY, HOLY.  LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!  EARLY IN THE MORNING MY SONG WILL RISE TO THEE. ......GOD IN THREE PERSONS BLESSED TRINITY.

(switching songs here....)  I do that sometimes too. : )


YES I AM SINGING NOW and that's o.k. too.  SING Along too!  I love to sing in groups

Love you All.    If you need me to help you pray for anything in your life please let me know.  I am still praying and willing to pray for anyone, anytime.  No problem is too big or too small for Our God. 

In His Service!!!!!!!!!!  And Thankful that He wants to Use ME!
Your Sister in Christ! 
Tammy Wright
Love yall


  1. Mmmm, what a WORD! Okay...now my tears are falling while I sing praises to our Glorious Conquerer, Wise and Holy King, the One and Only One Who can save us and the best part....HE wants to!! He doesnt love us cause He has to, but because He WANTS to....Oh praise His name!!!

    And I'll praise You in this storm
    And I will lift my hands
    For You are who You are
    No matter where I am
    And every tear I've cried
    You hold in Your hand
    You never left my side
    And though my heart is torn
    I will praise You in this storm

    (Casting Crowns)
