Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Be Angry and Sin Not!

True confession time.  I had an issue today that was happening to me physically that I poured my heart out to God.  I literally screamed out to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  I cry now as I write this because I am so filled with remorse for being so vocal in my cries.  I know God answers prayers but sometimes I don't understand why He can't answer simple ones and answer them quickly.  Why did I have to suffer?  I am so sorrow now that I did that .....that I am in tears.  It is not the first time I prayed the prayer I prayed today and in the my knowledge it did not go answered.   And I would know if it was answered.  In my cries, I cried out scripture.  Ask and it shall be given, Seek and ye shall find and Knock and it will be opened.  So I ASKED, SEEKED, AND KNOCKED with all my HEART and at the top of my lungs.  I asked could He hear me and if He did why didn't He answer.  I wasn't asking at that moment for complete healing (although i have).  I just wanted immediate relief.  I think now of a scripture that I made a memory verse last year. 
"During Jesus' last days on earth, He offered up prayers and petitions, with loud cries and tears, to the one He knew could save him from death and He was heard because of His reverent submission."
I hope that was me today.....I pray God looked at it that way.....prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears.....that's what I did.
And you know what ......HE ANSWERED.   He showed me to way to fix my situation.  It came as I calmed down with the words, Peace, Peace Wonderful Peace.  I had to calm myself after getting worked up.  Once I sang PEACE, the answer came.  He led me into how to fix it. 
I look back now and don't think I took my distress and cries to far.  I did ask was he listening but even in my cries I knew He was....those ears are always on.  Sometimes He does things himself and other times he gives us the tools to take things into our own hands and fix them.  I am so Glad.....PEACE still speaks to my soul and the fact that He gave me peace and He answered .....means HE LOVES ME.  HE was Listening and ...O' child of little faith.  Yes once again the Israelites popped up in me....I remember Moses getting upset with God and God understood. 
God thank you for loving me.  Thank you for forgiving me.  Yes I have repented just in case and I will continue to praise his name forever even in the valley when He does act right away....He is there. 
Just wanted to let you know a real story about me, from today, from the heart, and from a person who Love God and prays that nothing separate me from His love.  But I already know that can't happen.  The Bible says so.  Not height, nor depth, no principalities, nothing above or below can separate us from the love of God that came by Christ Jesus our Lord. 

Love you all .....and thanks for letting me keep it real.  (hope this makes sense sometimes, my thoughts can be fractured at times and so can my writing as I skip from one thing to another.)  But He made me that way - so gotta love it. 

Once Again.  LOVE YALL

Tammy A. Wright
Daughter of the King
Redeemed from Sin
with a passport to heaven.
Waiting to meet Him there one day!!!!

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