Thursday, April 21, 2011

A new day

Today has been a good day!  YAY GOD!  Can I say I got to feeling very bad and very down yesterday so I sent a prayer request out on Facebook.  Within 30 minutes of posting that I felt better.  I know it was the prayers going up.  God listened.  He answered.  And that is the Power of prayer.  God is Good and He listens to His people.  Yes I was praying but at that point some of my prayer was words and not what God was gonna answer, even as I requested it I knew they were just words, He has a plan, He is in control and whatever happens, whenever it happens.  So let me hush that prayer.  Turn to prayer warriors that will pray the right prayer and He answered.  He knows my heart and He saw thru the words and knew what I needed.  The prayers the notes of support lifted my spirits immediately.  I know alot of people don't like Facebook but I find it an excellent source of connecting with people and I have always thought it was the way to let my light shine.  And Let It Shine I will!  Just like this Blog......This little light of mine....I am letting it shine and sometimes God turns up the light and my heart starts to warm and a smile comes on my face....just like now.  God is so Good.  My scripture yesterday.....Isaiah 40:31....Those that wait on the Lord will renew their strength.  One of my faves.  They will run and not get weary for they put their trust in HIM.

Love YOU GOD!  You Rock!

Love you readers....
Keep Praying and Keep Looking up!


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